Engineering Services
S2X offers a wide range of services, from traditional engineering services, innovatively declined through the development of customized analysis and simulation solutions, to the most innovative experimental, structural monitoring, and research and development services to support engineers and public and private entities engaged in the management of structural and infrastructure assets. S2X’s main services are outlined below. The page is constantly being updated, so we encourage you to view it periodically. To stay up to date with news from the S2X world, follow us on our social channels.
You acquire we process
S2X s.r.l. makes the potential of S2X’s proprietary processing software available to technicians through the “YOU BUY, WE ELABORATE” plan at more than affordable costs.
Structural monitoring
Timely identification of damage is critical in order to ensure the safe operation of bridges and, more generally, civil structures and infrastructure, including by sending alerts.
Vibration monitoring
Vibration monitoring in Civil Engineering covers a wide range of applications, partly because of all the possible sources of vibration that can affect a structure or construction site are many.
Vibration Measurements
Vibration measurements are usually performed in order to evaluate the performance of the structure and/or obtain information on the dynamics of the structure.
Modal Analysis Output-only
Output-only modal analysis is the testing procedure that can produce experimental estimates of modal parameters from measurements of structural response alone.
Non-destructive testing
Nondestructive testing in the field of civil engineering, constitutes a broad group of investigative techniques that allow the evaluation of the properties of materials, components or entire structures, with no or minimal degree of invasiveness compared to traditional inspection methodologies.
Consultancy and Collaboration
S2X offers consulting and collaboration services in the areas of structural and earthquake engineering, structural diagnostics, and development of experimental testing and structural monitoring systems.