S2X s.r.l
is an innovative SME founded as a spin-off of the University of Molise in 2012 with the aim of developing and making available advanced tools for structural diagnostics and for the implementation of intelligent structures, capable of providing information on their state of health.
The Company has, therefore, as its main objective the development, application and management of innovative structural diagnostic systems, permanent dynamic monitoring and implementation of advanced behavioral models to support civil engineering such as strategic and relevant buildings, infrastructures, housing and production buildings and structural such as existing buildings and historical artifacts.
Smart structures, i.e., capable of providing information about their health status by simplifying diagnosis and supporting maintenance, represent the evolution and future declination of the concept of structural safety in civil engineering.
S2X works to develop innovative diagnostics and structural performance assessment systems with the goal of making smart civil structures and our cities a safer place to live.
S2X employs highly qualified professional staff with many years of experience in the fields of structural monitoring and structural and earthquake engineering.
Foundation of S2X s.r.l., a spin-off of the University of Molise,
based in Termoli, Molise
Registration in the Special Register of Innovative Start-ups, among the first in Molise
Opening of a new operating office in Piedimonte Matese, Campania
Opening a new operations office in San Severo, Apulia, Italy
Registration of the first industrial property right
Relocation of registered office to Campobasso
at University of Molise
End of spin-off and start-up status
Registration with the Special Register of Innovative SMEs
Appointment of new administrator: S2X becomes a pink-led enterprise
Purchase of the premises of the new headquarters on P.le M. Scarano in Campobasso and relocation of offices
Launch of the first remote data processing service
Launch of the first fully in-house developed software

Research and development activities play a central role within the Society, which promotes technology transfer from academia to professional practice. The founding partners are a researcher and a Full Professor in Structural Engineering with decades of experience in the field of structural diagnostics, monitoring, and modeling, conservation, and control of structures in seismic zones. Constant investment in research and development since its founding has led to the development of a portfolio of innovative structural and earthquake engineering solutions and services that reflect the company’s focus on innovation as a lever to meet the needs of its clients.
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We help public and private companies assess and monitor from space the health of their assets and infrastructure.