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Current version: v. 2.3.0 is the software specifically developed for continuous and fully automated monitoring of relevant physical and mechanical parameters and, in particular, of the modal properties of structures. S2-SHM is based on a proprietary algorithm of automated Operational Modal Analysis and state-of-the-art data processing procedures of statistical pattern recognition and anomaly detection validated in the context of academic research. The proprietary algorithm is able to automatically process structural vibration measurements yielding the time series of the dynamic properties of the monitored structure (natural frequencies, damping ratios, mode shapes) useful to assess its health state. The software is powerful and versatile, and already fulfilling the requrirement of the most recent Italian codes in the field of Structural Health Monitoring.    
Request Info
Why you should buy our software?
  • Curva di apprendimento ripida
  • User-friendly interface
  • Software validated in the context of academic research
  • Remote technical support (IT/EN) always included for one year
  • Compliant with the most recent codes on OMA and SHM
  • Interoperabilità nativa
  • Customizable on request
  • Available also on MEPA*
What’s new in the latest release
Guided interface
Input geometry
Input data
Analysis methods
Visualization and validation
Export and report
Data exchange and interoperability
System requirements