Current version: v.2.3.0
S2-OMA is the first 100% made in Italy software specifically developed for the output-only modal analysis in the time as well as frequency domain. Whenever you need to enhance the knowledge about the dynamic response of a structure in operational conditions, S2-OMA is the right tool.Why you should buy our software?
- Curva di apprendimento ripida
- User-friendly interface
- Software validated in the context of academic research
- Remote technical support (IT/EN) always included for one year
- Compliant with the most recent codes on OMA and SHM
- Interoperabilità nativa
- Customizable on request
- Available also on MEPA*
What’s new in the latest release
Guided interface
Input geometry
Input data
Analysis methods
Visualization and validation
Export and report
Data exchange and interoperability
System requirements
software Hardware